II. Ten Things to Know about Nouns and Articles in Italian.


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1. Gender.
All Italian nouns are either masculine or feminine in gender. Most Italian nouns ending in -o are masculine: ragazzo (rah-gahts-tsoh), "boy," albero (ahl-bay-roh), "tree." An important exception is mano (mah-noh), "hand," which is feminine.
Most Italian nouns ending in -a are feminine: ragazza (rah-gahts-tsah), "girl,"  entrata (en-trah-tah), "entrance." Important exceptions include names of professions--poeta (poh-ay-tah), "poet," artista  (ahr-tee-stah), "artist," barista (bah-ree-stah), "bartender"--which may be masculine.


2. Nouns ending in -e.
Some Italian nouns ending in -e are masculine and others are feminine: padre (pah-dray), "father," masculine; madre (mah-dray), "mother," feminine; mare (mah-ray), "sea," masculine; luce (loo-chay), "light," feminine. In most cases there is no easy way to tell which gender an -e noun belongs to, you just have to memorize it!


3. Pluralization.
To form the plural of Italian nouns, we normally change the ending -o to -i, the ending -a to -e, and the ending -e to -i. Examples: ragazzo, ragazzi (rah-gahts-tsoh, rah-gahts-tsee), "boy, boys;" ragazza, ragazze (rah-gahts-tsah, rah-gahts-tsay), "girl, girls;" padre, padri (pah-dray, pah-dree), "father, fathers," madre, madri (mah-dray, mah-dree), "mother, mothers."


4. Pluralization of -io nouns.

Nouns ending in -io such as figlio (fee-lyoh), "son" and formaggio (fohr-mahj-joh), "cheese," change the -io to -i in the plural, unless the i is stressed: figli, formaggi (fee-lyee, fohr-mahj-jee); but zio (tees-oh), "uncle," becomes zii (tsee-ee), "uncles."

Most nouns ending in -co or -ca, and -go or -ga, add h to the plural in order to retain the hard sound of the c or g: riga, righe (ree-gah, ree-gay), "line, lines;" amica, amiche (ah-mee-kah, ah-mee-kay), "girlfriend, girlfriends."
There are some exceptions to this rule, in which the hard c or g becomes soft in the plural: amico, amici (ah-mee-koh, ah-mee-chee), "friend, friends;" medico, medici (may-dee-koh, may-dee-chee), "doctor, doctors."


5. Irregular nouns.
Some Italian nouns are very irregular in the plural, and these must be learned by heart: the most common irregular noun is uomo (woh-moh), "man," uomini (woh-mee-nee), "men."
A few masculine nouns ending in -o change to -a in the plural and become feminine: braccio (brah-choh), "arm," masculine, braccia (brah-chah), "arms," feminine; labbro (lahb-broh), "lip," masculine, labbra (lahb-brah), "lips," feminine; uovo (woh-voh), "egg," masculine, uova (woh-vah), "eggs," feminine.


6. Invariable nouns.
Some nouns are "invariable," that is, they do not change at all in the plural. These fall into three main groups: words ending in a consonant (usually borrowed from other languages, like bar); one-syllable words like re (ray), "king;" and words ending with an accented vowel like città (cheet-tah), "city." Examples: bar, bar (bahr, bahr), "bar, bars;" re, re (ray, ray), "king, kings;" città, città (cheet-tah, cheet-tah), "city, cities."


7. Indefinite article.
The indefinite article (equivalent to English a or an) is un (oon) for most masculine and una (oo-nah) for most feminine singular nouns: un ragazzo, una ragazza (oon rah-gahts-tsoh, oo-nah rah-gahts-tsah), "a boy, a girl." As in English, there is no plural form of the indefinite article.
Before a word beginning with the letter z, such as zio (tsee-oh), "uncle," or an "s impure" (s accompanied by a consonant), such as spillo (speel-loh), "pin," the masculine un becomes uno: uno zio, uno spillo (oo-noh tsee-oh, oo-noh speel-loh), "an uncle," "a pin."
Before a noun beginning with a vowel, the feminine article una becomes un’: un’entrata (oon-ehn-trah-tah), "an entrance."


8. Definite article (singular).
The definite article (equivalent to English the) is il (eel) for most masculine singular and la (lah) for most feminine singular nouns: il ragazzo, la ragazza (eel rah-gahts-tsoh, lah rah-gahts-tsah), "the boy," "the girl."
Il becomes lo before an initial z or s-impure: lo zio, lo spillo (loh tsee-oh, loh speel-loh), "the uncle, the pin;" and l' before an initial vowel: l'albero, l'indirizzo (lahl-bay-roh, leen-dee-reets-tsoh), "the tree," "the address."
La becomes l' before an initial vowel: l’entrata, l'amica (lehn-trah-tah, lah-mee-kah), "the entrance," "the girlfriend."


9. Definite article (plural).
The definite article is i (ee) for most masculine plural and le (lay) for most feminine plural nouns: i ragazzi, le ragazze (ee rah-gahts-tsee, lay rah-gahts-tsay), "the boys," "the girls." 
The plural article i becomes gli (pronounced lyee) before a vowel, or before a z or s-impure: gli alberi (lyee ahl-bay-ree), "the trees," gli zii (lyee tsee-ee), "the uncles," gli spilli (lyee speel-lee), "the pins."
Gli becomes gl' before an initial i, and le becomes l' before an initial e: gl'indirizzi (lyeen-dee-reets-tsee), "the addresses," l'entrate (lehn-trah-tay), "the entrances."


10. Contractions.
The definite articles form contractions with some common prepositions, especially a (to), di (of), da (from), and in (in):
  a + il =   al al ragazzo (ahl rah-gahts-tsoh), to the boy
a + la = alla alla ragazza (ahl-lah rah-gahts-tsah), to the girl
a + i = ai ai ragazzi (ah-ee rah-gahts-tsee), to the boys
a + le = alle alle ragazze (ahl-lay rah-gahts-tsay), to the girls
di + il =   del del libro (dehl lee-broh), of the book
di + la = della della madre (dehl-lah mah-dray), of the mother
di + i = dei dei libri (day-ee lee-bree), of the books
di + le = delle delle madri (dehl-lay mah-dree), of the mothers
da + il =   dal dal mare (dahl mah-ray), from the sea
da + la = dalla dalla casa (dahl-lah kah-zah), from the house
da + i = dai dai mari (dah-ee mah-ree), from the seas
da + le = dalle dalle case (dahl-lay kah-zay), from the houses
in + il =   nel nel museo (nehl moo-zay-oh), in the museum
in + la = nella nella macchina (nehl-lah mahk-kee-nah), in the car
in + i = nei nei musei (nay-ee moo-zay-ee), in the museums
in + le = nelle nelle macchine (nehl-lay mahk-kee-nay), in the cars


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